IDA Dance Exams

Take Your Dancing To The Next Level

Dance Exams

Prepare for Success: Your Dance Exam Journey Begins Now!

Step into the world of dance exams with IDA! Our sessions are meticulously designed to cater to the unique rhythm and style of every dancer. From the precision of ballet to the dynamics of hip-hop, we offer exams across a range of styles, ensuring every individual is assessed on their strengths. At IDA, we believe that dance exams are a milestone in a dancer’s journey. Our expert examiners are dedicated to evaluating the technique and creativity of every candidate. Join us on this challenging journey, where every step is a testament to your dedication and passion.

Achieving Dance Excellence

  • Interested students and all competitive students are prepared for Tap & Jazz exams with the ADAPT syllabus (Brian Foley)
  • Interested students and all competitive students are prepared for Cecchetti Ballet exams with Cecchetti Canada.
  • Interested students and all competitive students are prepared for AcroDance exams with Acrobatic Arts.
  • All examinations are taken at the discretion of the Artistic Director.
  • Cecchetti Ballet exams are typically held during the month of May or June.
  • Tap and Jazz exams are typically held in November or December.  Some exceptions may occur.
  • ​AcroDance exams are typically held in the Spring.  Some exceptions may occur.
  • Notices and/or emails are sent home with applicable students when these exams and any extra classes are being established.
  • Once students of obtained their Intermediate and Advanced 1 Cecchetti Ballet and their Intermediate ADAPT Jazz and Tap exams, they can make a special application to their high school principal to receive Gr 10 and 11 Arts credits.​
Student celebraitng dance exams

Cecchetti Canada

is a student-focused, national organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Cecchetti Method of classical ballet and committed to the highest standards of training for dancers and teachers.

The Canadian Branch of the Cecchetti Faculty of the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing was founded in 1949 by Betty Oliphant, first ballet mistress of the National Ballet of Canada and co-founder with Celia Franca, of Canada’s National Ballet School.

The Society was federally incorporated as the Cecchetti Society of Canada. In January 2011, the Cecchetti Society became independent from the ISTD and modernized the name to Cecchetti Canada in 2018. Cecchetti Canada is a founding member of Cecchetti International Classical Ballet (CICB).


is an acronym which stands for: “Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teachers”.

ADAPT is a certified “dance syllabus” offering yearly examinations in the dance disciplines of Jazz, Tap, and Ballet. We represent an elite group of dance teachers who follow the ADAPT Syllabus and enter their students in the yearly examination process. As leaders in quality dance training, we aspire to teach the love of dance and movement to those around us.
In the fall of 1980, Brian and Faye, (Mr. and Mrs. Foley) were invited by teachers of two separate studios to evaluate their students who were working on the new and exciting material. These visits created an unforgettable dance experience for both students and their teachers. The ADAPT Examination process was born! 

Acrobatic Arts Exam

The Acrobatic Arts examination process is designed to motivate dancers. Having defined, and achievable goals, is a proven way to motivate dancers to excel. Dancers work through twelve exam levels, each designed to create a well-balanced acrobat, including elements of flexibility, strength, balance, limbering and tumbling.

Examiners evaluate dancers against a set universal standard, allowing dancers and teachers to see where the dancer stands globally. During the exam, students can expect a class setting with the examiner directing the class and making notes throughout.

Required elements will be critiqued and scored by the examiner. The exam will be graded ‘Distinction’, ‘Excellent’, ‘Highly Commended’, ‘Commended’, ‘Pass’ or ‘Retry’ based on the scores achieved for each element as well as grooming and attitude. Students who complete the level they are being tested for will receive a certificate to commemorate their achievement. Students who receive a grade of ‘Distinction’ will also receive a custom Acrobatic Arts medal. All students will receive a report card complementing areas of excellence and suggesting areas for improvement.

Dancers who complete all 12 levels can take the ‘Graduate Study’ and, upon successful completion, will be granted Certified Teacher status.

Why should students work towards exams?

We believe that having a goal keeps students motivated, on track and gives them the opportunity to look forward to something.

How does working toward an exam aid in AcroDance development?

  1. Students receive critical feedback from experts with Acrobatic Arts. Students are evaluated on skills and provided areas of excellence, as well as corrections to improve development.
  2. Doing an online exam provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have been working hard for.
  3. Working through the Acrobatic Arts syllabus continues student growth in a safe progressive manner. A carefully curated Acro program ensures safe training and low risk to injury.
  4. Students are tested against a global standard. This means that all our participating students around the world are held to the same standard of excellence and are graded fairly.

Register For Dance At IDA